Committee meeting details
Parks, Forests & Utilities Committee
Public Business
1. Apologies: Councillor Wilde
2. Conflict of Interest declarations
3. Public participation
4. Confirmation of Minutes of 23 October 2008
- Report 1: 2008.815 (PDF 32 KB)
5. Greater Wellington Regional Council's role in providing parks - project plan and timetable
- Report 1: 2008.887 (PDF 41 KB)
- Attachment 1: 2008 887 2 Attachment (PDF 19 KB)
- Attachment 2: 2008 887 3 Attachment (PDF 170 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: 2008 887 4 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
6. Water Supply Annual Report 2007/08
- Report 1: 2008.889 (PDF 23 KB)
- Attachment 1: 2008 889 2 Attachment (PDF 7.2 MB)
- Minutes Extract 1: 2008 889 3 Minute Extract (PDF 11 KB)
7. Divisional report for period ended 31 October 2008
- Report 1: 2008.860 (PDF 33 KB)
- Attachment 1: 2008 860 2 Attachment (PDF 193 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: 2008 860 3 Minute Extract (PDF 11 KB)
8. Exclusion of the public
- Report 1: 2008.896 (PDF 15 KB)
Public Excluded Business
1. Public excluded minutes of 23 October 2008
2. Forestry annual report and proposals
End of record