Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Monday 25th February 2008
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:28 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies

2. Conflict of Interest declarations

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of Minutes

5. 29 November 2007

6. 29 November 2007

7. 5 December 2007

Regional Strategies/Policies

1. Draft Regional Policy Statement

2. At the Heart" - the regional physical activity strategy

3. Triennial Agreement


1. Results for the six months ended 31 December 2007

2. Proposed Rates and Levies for 2008/09

Central Government

1. Draft Submission on Sustainable Transport, Update of the New Zealand Transport Strategy Discussion Paper

2. Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill: Draft Council Submission


1. 5 December 2007

2. Ara Tahi - 5 December 2007

3. Transport and Access - 13 February 2008

4. Terms of reference for Hutt River Advisory Subcommittee

5. Catchment Management - 7 February 2008

6. Terms of reference of the Regulatory Committee

7. Regulatory - 5 February 2008

8. 11 February 2008

9. 6 December 2007

10. Regional Land Transport

11. 14 February 2008

12. Wellington Regional Strategy

13. Parks, Forests and Utilities

14. 4 December 2007

15. Finance, Evaluation and Risk

16. 12 February 2008

17. 27 November 2007

18. Regional Sustainability

19. 3 December 2007

20. 23 November 2007

21. 23 November 2007

Community Outreach

1. Elements redesign and refocus

2. Local Governance Statement


1. Code of Conduct

2. Remuneration of Elected Members for 2008/09

3. Computer replacements

4. Regional EDA Ltd Name Change

5. Approval of fees for WRC Holdings Group, Wellington Regional Stadium Trust

6. Waiwhetu Stream clean-up: Ministry for the Environment Funding Deed


1. General

2. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

1. Non-Local Government Appointments to the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee

2. Appointments to the Catchment Management Committee

3. Report of the Parks, Forests and Utilities Committee - 5 December 2007

4. Report of the Catchment Management Committee - 7 February 2008

End of record