Haere mai, welcome to Wairarapa Moana Wetlands

Location South of Featherston, Wairarapa

The area includes Lakes Wairarapa and Ōnoke, their neighbouring wetlands, the Wairarapa Lake Shore Scenic Reserve and Ōnoke Spit.

Opening hours

Parks are always open to foot traffic.

1.7 Boggy Pond
Waiorongomai v2



Wairarapa Moana has been a taonga (treasure) for hundreds of years, acknowledged by local Māori as a place of tremendous cultural and spiritual value.

The once abundant waters teemed with life. Today, a fragile and unique ecology remains. Despite changes to the natural environment, it’s still a hot spot and migratory pathway for many important and threatened species.

Know before you go

Whakaora te repo, ka ora te taonga wai

The Wairarapa Moana Wetlands Project is a joint initiative of Greater Wellington Regional Council, the Department of Conservation, South Wairarapa District Council, Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc.  

Covering over 9,000 hectares, Wairarapa Moana is easily accessible at the northern end from Featherston, and the small coastal settlement of Lake Ferry in the south. Greytown and the boutique wine village of Martinborough are also handy starting points.

Check out the Wairarapa Moana Wetlands website for information on visiting, and what makes this place so special. 

Wairarapa Moana Wetlands

Getting there

By bike

Plan your route from with the Wairarapa cycle map.

Updated December 19, 2023 at 1:07 PM

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