Volunteer guides of the Wainuiomata Water Collection Area

Do you want to learn about and share knowledge of one of the region's finest natural asset with others?

The Wainuiomata Water Collection Area is a specially protected area of Wellington for water supply and as a forest ecosystem.  It is only accessible with trained guides and we are seeking more volunteers to join our team.

What it involves

Volunteer guides learn about and share knowledge with groups on arranged guided walks. We will provide equipment and training, and cover some associated expenses. To become a guide you need to be:

  • Fit and well - you may be required to guide walks for 6 - 8 hours.
  • Confident in rugged terrain (where the weather can change quickly).
  • Have experience navigating and guiding in wilderness areas.
  • Knowledge of flora and fauna.
  • Experience navigating and guiding in wilderness areas.
  • First aid skills - we can arrange a training course if necessary.
  • Communication skills - you will be talking to groups of up to 60 people.
  • Live in the Wellington region (preferred).

Get in touch

We invite you to join our team and help protect one of the Wellington region's finest natural assets. Send information about your skills and experience by email or mail to:


Greater Wellington Regional Council Parks
PO Box 40 847

Updated August 5, 2022 at 4:57 PM

Get in touch
