Once you receive your resource consent(s), we recover the cost of monitoring your consent. Monitoring charges are estimated when your consent is granted as charges vary considerably, depending on the scale and complexity of your activity.
There are three components that make up your monitoring charge:
1. Customer Service charge: An annual fee of $86.25 (including GST) applies to all consents. This covers services such as:
- Providing information and advice on your consent
- Maintaining your consent as a public record
- Recording changes in consent status (e.g. if your consent is transferred to someone else)
This fee is charged every year until your consent is transferred or expires. It applies even if your resource consent is not being used. (Note: Where there are multiple consents issued to the site site/activity, discounts apply)
2. Compliance monitoring charge: This charge reflects the time taken by staff to monitor your consent. Staff time is charged at $172.50 (including GST) per hour. This covers services such as:
- A site visit;
- And/or an audit to assess an operation's compliance with consent conditions
The level of compliance monitoring needed depends on the complexity of your consent and significance of environmental effects.
3. State of the Environment Monitoring charge: GWRC undertakes many types of monitoring to assess the state of the environment and the effects of resource consents. We monitor air quality, river and stream flows, water quality and groundwater levels, and as a result, we pass on a proportion of these monitoring costs to consent holders.
For more details on monitoring charges download our full
Resource Management Charging Policy (2024-27)
(PDF 1.3 MB)