Hui for regional Māori Economic Strategy

  • Published Date 27 Feb 2020

The second round of community hui on the development of a stronger, more sustainable Māori economy in the Wellington region will take place throughout March. Communities across the region are encouraged to go along and share ideas.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Senior Māori Economic Development Advisor Te Puritanga Jefferies says the hui will contribute to building a strategy that will enable greater self-determination for Māori in developing prosperous communities region-wide.

"During our first round of hui we gained some fantastic feedback and had invaluable conversations with people on what is important to them and how they would like to shape the Māori Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan."

"At the next series of hui we will briefly present on the draft components of the strategy and mahi to date, before passing the rākau to attendees to make comments, adjustments and give feedback."

"This initiative has been driven by Ara Tahi, Greater Wellington's mana whenua partnership forum, who have appointed mana whenua representatives onto a regional advisory board to work alongside Council," Te Puritanga says.

The core working group, which consists of Greater Wellington staff, the advisory board and contractors from the Victoria Business School, has focused on engaging with Māori communities of any age, background and interest. However there has also been a focus on rangatahi and Māori businesses because of their ability to drive the broader Māori economy in the future.

"The strategy and action plan provides a point of co-ordination for the already significant economic activity underway at local, regional, iwi and organisation levels, and is a vehicle for enhancing and developing new ideas and collaboration," Te Puritanga says.

Greater Wellington Chair Daran Ponter says this strategy is vital for the region moving forward and encourages communities to get involved and have their voices heard.

"The hui on the Māori Economic Development Strategy is for anyone who wants to see better opportunities for Māori across the region. A strategy and action plan will be launched in May and it is important for that to include the direct feedback of our communities," Chair Ponter says. 

The hui will take place in the Wairarapa, Wellington city, Porirua, Lower Hutt and Kāpiti throughout March and a kai will be provided to all participants - nau mai, haere mai.

For more information on the hui visit Have Your Say.

Updated February 25, 2022 at 9:46 AM

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