Council reports lift in bus performance and more to come

  • Published Date 06 Dec 2018

Lifts in the performance of Wellington’s bus network were reported to the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee at an update at Parliament today.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Chief Executive Greg Campbell detailed improvements in bus reliability, punctuality and capacity, since changes were implemented to the new network last month.

"We have completed adjustments to twelve key bus routes across Wellington city to deliver improved reliability, better connections between services and add more morning and evening services. Another comprehensive suite of changes is planned for February."

Campbell expressed confidence that the February changes would lift performance further.

"There are another 17 public routes and 19 school routes which will see improvements.  Our customers will notice the difference".

Campbell also spoke on the work of Metlink's new Customer Experience team which has been travelling the length of the network each day gathering insight from customers, drivers and community groups.  A public transport reference group, which includes people from community and residents' associations, youth, elderly, disabled and public transport communities, has also been meeting monthly with GWRC and gives free and frank feedback on the performance of the network along with suggested improvements.

"We have identified key route issues and have begun fixes.  Yesterday Council approved reinstatement of a direct peak hour service to Vogeltown.  We got it wrong there".

"I am very aware of the difficulties we have encountered and how this has affected people".  Campbell apologised again to all those affected and committed to keep working to improve overall performance.

Campbell was presenting the update alongside GWRC chair Cr Chris Laidlaw, Cr Barbara Donaldson, and General Manager, Public Transport, Wayne Hastie.

Updated April 28, 2022 at 11:10 AM

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