Hearing Panel decision on Featherston wastewater discharge consent now scheduled for March next year

  • Published Date 07 Sep 2018

The Hearing Panel considering South Wairarapa District Council's application for resource consents associated with the proposed long-term upgrade and operation of the Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant, will now hold a hearing in March 2019.

Originally scheduled to hear and decide on the application from 16 October this year, the date has been changed to enable further investigation into the effects of the application. The delay will enable further input initially from both Councils' technical experts, and give more opportunity to build an understanding of interpretation matters particularly related to the Proposed Natural Resources Plan.

The Panel noted that the deferral is reasonable to enable both Councils sufficient time to move forward on these issues.

The extension will result in changes to the timetable for evidence exchange, and full details will soon be made available to the community. They will cover matters such as: further information emerging from investigations; the completion of Greater Wellington's hearing report; lodging of applicant's and submitters' evidence; and caucusing with all Councils and submitter experts.

The request for the extension of the hearing timetable was jointly made by South Wairarapa District Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council on 30 August 2018.

Additional information.

The technical basis for the extension is to:

  • provide for more adequate assessment of the effects of and resolution of the status of the proposal
  • enable further work and discussions to occur between the SWDC and GWRC, particularly between experts
  • allow for further discussions regarding the interpretation and application of RMA provisions and the provisions of the Proposed Natural Resources Plan to assist the Panel and to assist SWDC to determine how it wishes to proceed with its application.




Alistair Cross, Manager, Environmental Regulation, Greater Wellington Regional Council Ph 027 201 3571


Updated April 28, 2022 at 11:43 AM

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