Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 24th February 2016
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 5:02 PM

Public Business

1. Submission on the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill

2. Exclusion of the public

3. Report on the Environment Committee meeting, 17 February 2016

4. Report on the Sustainable Transport Committee meeting, 16 February 2016

5. Report to Council on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting 8 December 2015

6. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting, 8 December 2016

7. Report on the Sustainable Transport Committee meeting, 1 December 2015

8. Report on the Environment Committee meeting, 1 December 2015

9. Councillor appointments

10. 2016 triennial elections

11. Apologies

12. Bus Stop Prioritisation

13. National Ticketing Update

14. Regional Public Transport Plan 2014: Proposed variation for PTOM procurement

15. Regional Public Transport Plan 2014: Compliance review with the Regional Land Transport Plan

16. Approval of the consultation document for the Annual Plan 2016/17 and supporting information

17. Confirmation of the Public minutes of the meetings of 9 December 2015 and 16 December 2015, and Public Excluded minutes of the meeting of 9 December 2015

18. Public participation

19. Declarations of conflict of interest

Public Excluded Business

1. IFT Fares and Products Transition Strategy

2. Bus ticketing for PTOM

3. Proposed Wairarapa Moana Statutory Board Settlement Redress Detail

4. Appointment to the Finance, Risk and Assurance Committee

Restricted Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Restricted Public Excluded minutes of 16 December 2015

End of record