Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Tuesday 18th May 2010
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:48 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies: Councillors Buchanan, Burke and Laidlaw

2. Declarations of conflict of interest

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of the Minutes of Council 30 March 2010

5. Confirmation of the Minutes of Regional Policy Statement Hearing Committee 21 April 2010

Strategy/Policy/Major Issues

1. Decisions on the proposed Regional Policy Statement

2. Draft Greater Wellington Parks Network Plan, approval for consultation

3. Proposed Variation to the Wellington Regional Land Transport Programme 2009-2012: Waterfall Road Connection


1. Financial report for the nine months ending 31 March 2010

2. Greater Wellington's Communication Policy for the 2010 pre-election period

3. 2010 Local Government New Zealand national conference and Annual General Meeting


1. Report on the Transport and Access Committee meeting held on 20 April 2010

2. Report on the Te Upoko Taiao - Natural Resource Plan Committee meeting held on 21 April 2010

3. Report on the Catchment Management Committee meeting held on 22 April 2010

4. Report on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting held on 29 April 2010

5. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 29 April 2010

6. Report on the Regional Sustainability Committee meeting held on 4 May 2010

7. Report on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 6 May 2010

8. Ara Tahi meeting held on 7 April 2010

9. Exclusion of the public

Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Public Excluded Minutes of Council 30 March 2010

2. Committee Member Replacement

End of record