Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Monday 11th August 2008
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:30 PM

Public Business

1. Report on the Catchment Management Committee Meeting held on 18 June 2008

2. Council representative on Pauatahanui Inlet Community Trust

3. Representation at the Resource Management Law Association Annual Conference 2008

4. Corporate

5. Report on the Ara Tahi Meeting on 24 June 2008

6. Report on the Finance, Evaluation and Risk Committee meeting held on 7 August 2008 (to come)

7. Report on the Parks, Forests and Utilities Committee meeting held on 31 July 2008

8. Report on the Catchment Management Committee Meeting held on 24 July 2008

9. Report on the Regional Sustainability Committee meeting held on 23 July 2008

10. Report on the Regulatory Committee held on 22 July 2008

11. Report on the Transport and Access Committee Meeting held on 16 July 2008

12. Report on the Transport and Acess Committee Meeting held on 26 June 2008

13. Report of Parks, Forests and Utilities Committe Meeting held on 19 June 2008

14. Apologies

15. WRC Holdings Statement of Intent

16. Preliminary Review for the year ended 30 June 2008

17. Finance

18. Greater Wellington Regional Council Submission to Alternative Designation Proposal for Transmission Gully

19. Masterton Accommodation

20. Maori Constituencies

21. Electoral system for the 2010 triennial elections

22. Boulcott/Hutt Stopbank - Preferred alignment

23. Strategy/Policy/Major Issues

24. Confirmation of Minutes of 30 June 2008

25. Public participation

26. Declarations of conflict of interest

Exclusion of Public

1. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

1. Report on the Public Excluded Part of the Catchment Management Committee meeting held on 18 June 2008

2. Public Excluded Minutes of Council Meeting 30 June 2008

3. Cultural Redress Settlement for Port Nicholson Settlement Trust Port Nicholson Block Claim

4. Request for a remission of rates

5. Appointment of Members to the Greater Wellington Disability Reference Group

End of record