Every day we put all our energy into protecting and enhancing our region. We carefully balance sustainability with economic growth and protection with expansion.

We’re a growing and diverse region, and it’s the Council’s role to protect our environment while also meeting the cultural, social and economic needs of our communities.  We’re specifically responsible for environment management, flood protection and land management, provision of regional parks, public transport planning and funding, and metropolitan water supply.

The Council is responsible for developing policies that direct the activities of Greater Wellington. Various Acts of Parliament, such as the Local Government Act and the Resource Management Act state what activities the Council should, or may, be involved with. It is the Councillors' role to decide how the activities should be carried out.

It’s about dealing with today and planning for the future, especially with the challenges of climate change.

Our core functions:


Updated December 19, 2023 at 10:11 AM

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