If the information you are interested in is not available on this website or readily available from our staff, you can make a request for information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), or under the Privacy Act if you are seeking your own personal information. 

Any person may request information from Greater Wellington. You do not have to say you are making a request under LGOIMA or the Privacy Act.  

Please refer to our Privacy Statement for information on how to request your own personal information. 

How to make an information request 

You can make a request for information by using one of the below methods: 

Use our online request form

  • Write to us at: Official Information Requests, Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 11646, Wellington 6142 

Please be as specific as you can be in making your request; it helps us to find the information quickly for you. Make sure you include either a postal or email address so we can provide you with a response. 

How long will it take to process my request? 

We will acknowledge your request and you will receive the information within 20 working days. You can use the calculator from the Office of the Ombudsmanopen_in_new to determine when the 20 working days expire. 

We will also let you know as soon as possible if we need: 

  • To extend the deadline on your request 
  • More information in order to respond to your request 
  • To transfer your request as the information is held by another organisation covered by the Act. 

You can ask us to treat your request as urgent – if this is the case you must provide the reasoning for this when you make the request. 

Withholding information 

Once a request is made Greater Wellington must supply the information unless a statutory reason exists for withholding it or refusing a request.  

If we withhold or refuse to give information, we will explain the reason why.  

If you are not happy with the outcome of your request, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman and request a review. 


Generally, requests for official information are processed and responded to free of charge.  

However, there are times when we can charge for official information under guidelines set down by the Ministry of Justice. If there is going to be an associated cost we will contact you before we move forward with the request. You will then be able to decide if you would like to proceed with, refine or withdraw your request. 

Publication on the Greater Wellington website 

Greater Wellington promotes good governance and encourages transparency in decision-making through increasing the availability of its information to the community. This includes making available responses to LGOIMA requests, where the information is of a wider public interest. When publishing the requests we will withhold the names and contact information of individual requestors to protect their privacy.

View proactively released LGOIMA responses

Updated December 18, 2024 at 11:38 AM

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0800 496 734