Committee structure

At the start of each triennium, Council establishes its preferred governance structure. The governance structure is made of statutory committees, standing committees and subcommittees, and advisory bodies. Council's governance structure for the 2022-25 triennium is set out below.

 Get involved

All Council and committee meetings are open to the public unless the meeting resolves to exclude the public. Find out when the meetings are happening by checking our calendar, and read more about attending and speaking at meetings.

Committees of the Whole

Other Committees

Joint Committees

Under the Local Government Act 2002 a local authority may establish a joint committee. A Joint Committee is deemed to be both a committee of the local authority and a committee of the other local authorities or public bodies. A Joint Committee will usually be established to oversee region-wide activities such as emergency management.

Meeting governance

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for Council, its committees, subcommittees and advisory bodies sets out the authorities and delegations (including financial) that each body has responsibility for.

Standing Orders

Council's standing orders sets out the rules of procedure for the orderly conduct of meetings. They incorporate legislative provisions related to meetings, decision-making and transparency.

Updated February 20, 2025 at 1:34 PM

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