Our governing body of 13 elected councillors, representing six constituencies, focuses on the big picture and on region-wide strategic decisions.
The Council is responsible for developing policies that direct our activities. Various Acts of Parliament, such as the Local Government Act and the Resource Management Act, state what activities the Council should, or may, be involved with. It is the Councillors' role to decide how the activities should be carried out.
Following the local government elections, a council of fully-elected members took office. The council is a statutory body made up of 13 regional councillors, representing six constituencies.
Once every six weeks the Council and committees meet to receive reports from our staff, debate issues and decide on policy. All meetings are open to the public and you…
You can take part in the decisions that shape the Wellington region by getting involved in the local authority elections.
Greater Wellington advocates through a variety of ways, through kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) meetings, sector alliances, correspondence, or through developing Council submissions on government or other councils’…
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800496734
- Email:
- democratic.services@gw.govt.nz