A Sustainable Region - Detailed Information - Amended 2006-16 Ten Year Plan (Incorporating the 2006/07 Annual Plan) - Amended June 2007
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The Summary document provides an overall summary of
the information provided in the other two documents. It
describes the outcomes that the community wants for the
region and shows how Greater Wellington will contribute
to the achievement of these outcomes, along with the
The Detailed Information document is organised
around groups of activities that reflect Greater Wellington's
functional areas. It details our work programmes and
sets out both long-term (ten-year) and short-term targets
(three years) for our work so that our progress can be
assessed. Detailed budgeting and funding information is
also included, as is information on our investments and
our Council Controlled Organisations.
the information provided in the other two documents. It
describes the outcomes that the community wants for the
region and shows how Greater Wellington will contribute
to the achievement of these outcomes, along with the
The Detailed Information document is organised
around groups of activities that reflect Greater Wellington's
functional areas. It details our work programmes and
sets out both long-term (ten-year) and short-term targets
(three years) for our work so that our progress can be
assessed. Detailed budgeting and funding information is
also included, as is information on our investments and
our Council Controlled Organisations.